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Did you know that physiotherapy could provide chronic back pain relief?

Aug 22, 2021

Did you know that physiotherapy could provide chronic back pain relief?

Are you frequently disabled by back pain? Are you suffering from chronic back pain that doesn't seem to get better?

No matter what form chronic back pain may take, it can limit your life in many ways until you start to address it.

You don't need to have major surgery or become dependent on prescription painkillers to stop this from happening.

You can manage chronic pain with conservative strategies like physiotherapy or smart lifestyle choices. Ask your physiotherapist for a diagnosis and recommendations on specific treatment options.

What is chronic back pain exactly?

You're likely to have experienced back pain from a high-impact sport injury, car accident, or work-related accident.

Acute back pain can be extremely painful, but it will eventually go away. Chronic back pain can last long after an injury or other condition has been treated.

Chronic back pain refers to pain that lasts more than three months. This kind of pain can result from a number of factors, including arthritis, aging, disc problems, and myofascial discomfort syndrome.

Back pain that lasts more than 3 months is considered chronic. In many cases, chronic back problems can be recurrent for years. This is especially true for back pain that is irreversible or progressive.

Around 20 percent of those suffering from back pain will experience chronic, persistent symptoms. Chronic back pain is ranked number 3 on the list of most severe conditions for Americans.

Why did my back pain develop?

Understanding the cause of your chronic back pain is the first step to addressing it.

Many factors can cause chronic back pain, including an injury that did not heal properly or chronic health issues such as:

  • Degenerative disc disease is a condition where the spine discs bulge or flatten.
  • Arthritis in your facet joints, which mobilize your spine column
  • Stress, repetitive motions, and overuse can cause chronic muscle strain or connective tissue strain.
  • Muscle knots that are associated with fibromyalgia, myofascial Pain Syndrome and other chronic conditions.
  • Chronic muscle strain and soreness can be caused by postural or physical imbalances
  • Congenital malformations such as scoliosis
  • Obesity or pregnancy can lead to excess weight
  • Herniated discs can compress the spinal nerve tissue.

Chronic back pain does not always have to be limited to your back.

Pinched nerve roots can cause pain or other strange sensations in your upper and lower extremities.

What is physiotherapy for chronic back pain?

Do not let your back pain become a burden. To determine the cause of your pain, our physiotherapist will examine your condition.

Then, we can prescribe not only physiotherapy exercises but a way of life that will help you to maintain your optimal daily comfort. These are some helpful tips to incorporate into your pain management routine.

  • You can sleep differently. To reduce nighttime (and subsequent-day) pain, you can switch to a different mattress or change your sleeping position.
  • Exercise -Regular physiotherapy exercises that strengthen your core muscles (including those of the abdomen, pelvis, and lower back) can help stabilize your spine and alleviate muscle pain.
  • Change your ergonomics -You can move things around your workplace to reach the most frequently used items without having to bend, stoop or twist.
  • Pursue stress reduction -Meditation, yoga, and other stress-busting methods can help keep your back muscles relaxed.
  • Improve your nutrition -For chronic pain, it is important to eat anti-inflammatory foods. Your physiotherapist may also recommend exercises to help you lose weight and relieve pressure from your spine.

Your physiotherapist will recommend exercises to help you retrain your deep back muscles. Before you begin any exercises to stabilize your spine, your physiotherapist will demonstrate how to use the correct spinal and abdominal muscles. Another way to relieve chronic back pain is manipulation. To reduce pain and increase mobility, short thrusting movements are made over the joint.

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